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[cpastro] Next meeting Wednesday 3rd January 2024: "Mapping Worlds" Greg Smye-Rumsey


Hi All.

This week we start the new year with an outside speaker, Greg Smye Rumsey "Mapping worlds"

Greg has Lifelong passion about astronomy especially planets. Greg Smye-Rumsby has essentially two astronomical careers. Firstly, as a specialist planetarium presenter for the Royal Observatory Greenwich. This consists of presenting planetarium shows to schools and public alike but also providing teaching artworks and slides for the many school and public courses. He has also been asked to cover corporate evenings, TV presentations and provide engaging discourses for the ROG winter programme ‘An Evening with the Stars’. Secondly, Greg is a supplier of diagrams and celestial maps for Astronomy Now magazine and has also written a few articles occasionally.

Don't miss it.


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