Joining and Membership Fees
HOUSEHOLD MEMBER - £59.00 per annum
Household membership allows attendance by any number of persons within the principal member’s household to all weekly meetings. The principal member on the application form has the right to vote at annual general meetings, loan of club instruments and books, notification of and participation in, any special events such as visits to dark observing sites, together with automatic inclusion in “phone rounds" or mailing lists in connection with changes to the programme, special events, outings, notification of altered arrangements etc. and free copies of the Club’s publications, as and when published.
Any potential new principal member would be allowed to attend two Club meetings with members of their household before membership subscriptions are payable.
All annual memberships run from 1st September. For new members joining the club subscriptions will be payable pro rata. from mid July to Christmas full rate, New Year to Easter 2/3rd of full rate, Easter to summer 1/3rd of full rate rounded up to the nearest pound.
We Meet most Wednesday evenings at St Michael and All Angels' Church, St Michael's Rd, Benfleet SS7 2UW.
we have a range of activities including club members giving talks, outside speakers giving talks as well as other items of interest. The venue is assessible to wheelchair users.
Please fill in the form below if you would like to join us. you can do so for free for a couple of weeks and then pay a membership fee to join for the year.
You do not need a telescope to become a member.